Section 111.01 Definitions and Terms
1) Park Commission. This term shall mean the Town of Hull Park Commission.
2) Park and Town of Hull Park. The term ‘Town of Hull Park’ is defined to mean all lands and water heretofore and hereafter acquired by the Town of Hull for park or recreational purposes or placed under the jurisdiction of the Park Commission and shall include without limitation parks, beaches, pools and privately owned lands, the use of which has been granted to the Town of Hull for park, recreational or like public purposes.
3) Person. The term ‘Person’ shall include any individual, partnership, corporation or association or persons, and the singular shall include the plural.
4) Board. The term ‘Board’ shall mean the Town of Hull’s elected Chairman and Supervisors.
Section 111.02 Organization of Commission
1) Number of Members and Length of Term. The Board of Park Commissioners shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Town Board, for terms of seven years each commencing on the first day of July of the year of appointment. The first seven appointments shall be for such terms so that on the first day of July in each of the next seven years following the year in which they are appointed the term of one member will expire. All appointments shall be in writing and filed with the Town Clerk.
2) Commission Officers. The commissioners shall meet at the Town Hall within thirty (30) days after their appointment and perfect an organization. Thereupon the Park Commission shall make by-lays, use a common seal and choose annually from its members all necessary officers.
Section 103.03 Scope
Except when the context provides otherwise, the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all lands, structures and property owned, leased or administered by the Town of Hull, and under the management, supervision, and control of the Town of Hull Park Commission.
Section 111.04 Powers of Park Commission
The Commission shall have the following general powers and duties:
1) Shall administer, operate and maintain existing recreation and park areas and facilities and plan for the acquisition, development and operation of proposed facilities in accordance with the policies formulated by the Commission and approved by the Town Board.
2) Shall prepare an annual budget for presentation to, and the approval of, the Town Board.
3) May appoint such other agents and employees, subject to the approval of the Town Board, as may be necessary to carry out its functions and may, subject to the approval of the Town Board, make rules and regulations concerning their work.
4) Shall inform the general public of the services and facilities being provided by the Park Commission.
5) Shall cause the provisions of this ordinance and the Park Commission regulations to be enforced.
6) Shall supervise the maintenance and improvement of all Town of Hull parks as provided by Section 60.184, Wisconsin Statutes.
7) Shall make a thorough study of the town with reference to making reservations of lands therein for public uses and laying out ample open spaces, parks, highways, roads and boulevards; make plans and maps of a comprehensive town highway and parks system; gather such information in relation thereto as it may deem expedient; and report the same to the town meeting within two (2) years from the date of its organization. It shall make such other reports, from time to time, as may be requested by the Town Board.
8) Shall have such other powers and duties as are provided by the laws of Wisconsin, particularly Chapter 27 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Section 111.05 Closing Hours
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter or be in any Hull park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Section 111.06 Fees, Charges and Deposits
1) Fee Schedule. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any facility, shelter, land or area for which a fee or charge has been recommended by the Park Commission and approved by the Board, without payment of such fee or charge. Fees and charges shall be reviewed annually.
2) Special Fees. Any park structure, facility or area other than the above may be reserved or rented for special purposes subject to the approval of the Park Commission. Fees may be established for recreational programs where costs warrant them. The Park Commission, with Board approval, may set the charge for each facility or recreational program.
3) Deposits. In the event that a key or set of keys are required by any person using a shelter building, such keys will be loaned through the Town of Hull clerk’s office upon payment of a deposit. Upon surrender of the key or set of keys, the deposit will be refunded to the shelter user. The deposit will be subject to retention by the Park Commission, in whole or in part, if the shelter or facility used proves to have been subjected to abuse, inadequately cleaned, or used in violation of current shelter use regulations.
Section 111.07 Additional Rules, Permits, Exceptions
1) Additional Rules. Rules and regulations may be made from time to time by the Park Commission governing the further use of and enjoyment of parks, parkways, playgrounds, beaches, boat landings, campgrounds, lakes, streams and the facilities thereof. Any person who shall violate such rules or regulations may be excluded from the use of such facility.
2) Permits. Any person, to whom a permit shall have been issued by the Park Commission or agent thereof, shall be bound by the provisions of all ordinances and by-lays of the Town of Hull as fully as though the laws were inserted in each permit.
3) Exceptions. Nothing in this code shall prohibit or hinder the Commissioners, Park Commission agents, supervisors, park managers, or other duly authorized agents, or any peace officer, from performing their official duties.
Section 111.08 Installations, Public Utilities, Private Construction
1) Public Utilities-Location. The location of all sewers and receivers, gas pipes, water pipes, stopcock boxes, hydrants, lampposts, telegraph, telephone and electric power posts and lines, manholes, conduits, and pumps within any park or parkway shall be subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Commission, and their construction, repair or relocation shall be undertaken only after written permission is received from the Park Commission.
2) Private Construction.
a) No curb, whether stone, concrete or grass shall be cut for the purpose of constructing a private driveway across any parkway border, nor for any other purpose, without the written permission of the Park Commission.
b) The location, width, grade and construction of all paths, driveways and roadways across any sidewalk bordering along any parkway shall be subject to the approval of the Commission, and constructed only after written permission is obtained fro the Park Commission.
c) Every person who shall receive a permit to open a trench, to cut a curb, or to deposit materials in or upon any park or parkway shall at all times after such work has been commenced or materials deposited, and until the same has been completed, and until all accumulations of materials resulting from such work have been removed, to guard and protect the same so that persons driving or passing along the roadway or sidewalk or in the vicinity of the place where the work is being done, will not be likely to meet with any accident there-from; and shall also during the time from sunset to sunrise each night while the work is in progress cause the area to be securely fenced and guarded by a warning light or lights placed in a conspicuous position, and so secured that the light or lights shall not be extinguished.
Section 111.09 Public Meetings and Sales
1) Public Meetings.
a) Any person desiring to hold a public meeting of any kind whatsoever in any park shall first obtain a permit from the Park Commission or its duly authorized agent. The permit must be applied for no less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled event.
b) Permits will be granted for the purpose of holding any lawful public assembly in accordance with published regulations governing the reasonable use of parks.
2) Peddling and Soliciting. It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle or solicit business of any nature whatever, or to distribute handbills or other advertising matter, or to post unauthorized signs or decorative matter on any lands, structures or property as a base of operation for soliciting or conducting business, peddling or providing services within or outside of such lands, structures or property unless first authorized in writing by the Park Commission or its duly authorized agent.
3) Soliciting Boat Rides. It shall be unlawful to use the dock, boar landing, or the waters in or immediately adjacent to any Hull Park for the purpose of soliciting rides of any kind unless authorized by the Park Commission.
Section 111.10 Personal Conduct and Nuisances
1) Personal Conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person to indulge in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which such conduct would tend to cause or provoke a disturbance, or to be so intoxicated that he or she is unable to care for his or her own safety in any Hull Park.
2) Property of Others. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy, disturb, molest or remove the property or personal effects of others.
4) Unnecessary Noises. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate sound trucks, loud speakers, motors, motorboats, motor vehicles or any other mechanical devices that produce undue or unnecessary noises without first obtaining a written permit from the Commission or its duly authorized agent.
Section 111.11 Destruction, Entry, Cleaning and Refuse
1) Destruction, Defacement or Removal. It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb, molest, deface, remove or destroy any trees, shrubs, plants or other natural growth; to carve on any rocks, archaeological features, signs walls or structures; to drive nails in trees, or to move, injure or deface in any manner any structures, including buildings, signs, fences or tables in Town of Hull Parks.
2) Illegal Entry. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter in any way any park building, installation or area after the posted closing time or before the posted opening time, or contrary to posted notices.
3) Washing. The washing of cars, persons, pets, cooking utensils or clothing is prohibited in any of the rivers or streams, or on any picnic grounds, playgrounds, recreation areas, boat landings, parking lots or roadways, or within 50 feet of any pump, fountain or drinking water outlet in any Hull park. The washing of persons, cooking utensils and clothing shall be permitted at designated facilities.
4) Refuse.
a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dispose of any garbage, sewage, bottles, tin or aluminum cans, paper or other waste material in any manner except by placing such material in receptacles provided for such purposes, or to dump any such refuse in any park. Throwing bottles, cans, garbage, sewage or other refuse in the water or on the ice of any river or stream or along the roads in any Hull park is prohibited.
b) Charcoal residue must be left in a grate or fireplace until cool or placed in receptacles provided for such purposes.
Section 111.12 Vehicles
1) Vehicular Traffic.
a) No person shall operate any vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour or contrary to official traffic signs in any Hull park.
b) No person shall operate any vehicle in any park in a reckless manner contrary to the provisions of Section 346.62 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
c) It shall be unlawful to operate or park any motor vehicle, except as provided for herein, upon any bridle path, hiking trail, beach area, playground, picnic area or any other area other than established roads, parking areas, boat ramps and service areas, or contrary to posted notices or within any park seasonally closed to vehicular traffic.
d) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor driven sled, toboggan or other snowmobile in any Hull park.
2) Parking. No person shall park, stop or leave standing, whether attended or unattended, any vehicle, obstruction or watercraft so as to block, obstruct or limit the use of any road, trail, parking lot, boat landing, waterway or winter sport facility; or outside of any area provided for such purposes when it is practical to use such area; or contrary to posted notices; or within any Hull park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Section 111.13 Fires, Fireworks, Firearms
1) Fires. It shall be unlawful for any person to start, tend or maintain any fire, or to burn any refuse, except at designated fireplaces, fire rings or grills within any Hull park, except that fires for cooking or heating may be made in portable stoves, heaters or grills at designated picnic areas.
2) Fireworks. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, fire, discharge, explode or set off any squib, crackers or other explosive or pyrotechnic device containing powder or other combustible or explosive material within the limits of any Hull park, except that the exhibition of fireworks under the direction, or by the permission, of the Commission or its duly authorized agent is permitted.
3) Firearms. Within any Hull park it shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or under his control: a) any firearm or air gun as defined in Section 939.22 of the Wisconsin Statutes, unless the same is unloaded an enclosed in a carrying case; b) any bow, unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case or unless written permission has first been granted by the park Commission to use a bow in a specific supervised sport or activity, and then only within a designated area; provided, however, that it shall be unlawful to engage in any sport or activity involving a strung bow that constitutes a safety hazard in the judgment of any law officer or Park Commission personnel.
Section 111.14 Animals
1) Pets. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow pets to enter any public buildings, bathing beaches, picnic grounds or playgrounds within any Hull park, or to run at large at any time on Hull park grounds. In those areas where pets are permitted, dogs shall at all times be kept on leashes not more than eight (8) feet long. All pets shall be effectively restrained or under the owner’s control at all times. No person shall allow his pet to disrupt the enjoyment or use of any area by others.
2) Horses. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a horse in a careless, negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger the life, property or person of others on any Hull park roads or designated trails, or to ride, lead or have a horse in any manner on the beaches, foot paths, picnic grounds, campgrounds, boat landings, playgrounds, athletic fields or other similar special public use areas in any Hull park.
3) Hunting and Trapping. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill, hunt, trap, pursue or otherwise disturb any wild animals or birds in any Hull park.
Section 111.15 Athletics
1) Athletics. It shall be unlawful for any person to play ball, golf, tennis, archery, other games or sports upon or within any Hull park or parkway except upon ball fields, tennis courts, archery ranges or appropriate athletic grounds established by the Park Commission.
2) Skating. It shall be unlawful for any person to skate in any part of the park system in a reckless manner or at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the number of people in the area, or so as to endanger life or limb or damage the property of any person; provided, however, that nothing therein contained shall be construed to prohibit exhibition of or contests in fast or fancy skating on such portions of any ice pond as may be set aside for that purpose by the Park Commission.
Section 111.16 Beaches and Pools
1) Food and Beverages. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or consume any food or beverages of any kind on any bathing beach or in the water adjacent to any bathing beach in any Hull park except in designated areas.
2) It shall be unlawful to swim beyond or disturb or molest a bathing beach boundary buoy or marker in any swimming beach in any Hull park.
3) Storms and Swimming Area Limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to swim or bathe in the water fronting any bathing beach during electrical storms or in dangerous weather or more than fifty (50) yards from the shoreline of any bathing beach, or beyond the limits of beach marker buoys where such buoys are provided.
4) Floating Devices. No floating device of any kind is permitted in or upon the water in the swimming area at any supervised beach in any Hull park.
5) Beach Athletics. Except in locations designated for such purposes, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any athletic game or other activity upon a bathing beach or in the water, when injury or inconvenience to others might result from the activity.
6) Bathing Dress. It shall be unlawful for any swimmer or bather to enter the water or onto any bathing beach unless clothed in a suitable bathing dress or suit.
7) Infectious Diseases. Any person having, or apparently having, any infectious disease shall be prohibited from entering onto any bathing beach or into any bathing house or waters adjacent thereto.
Section 111.17 Penalties
Any person who violates the regulations set forth in this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00, together with costs, and in the event of nonpayment may be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days.
Section 111.01 Definitions and Terms
1) Park Commission. This term shall mean the Town of Hull Park Commission.
2) Park and Town of Hull Park. The term ‘Town of Hull Park’ is defined to mean all lands and water heretofore and hereafter acquired by the Town of Hull for park or recreational purposes or placed under the jurisdiction of the Park Commission and shall include without limitation parks, beaches, pools and privately owned lands, the use of which has been granted to the Town of Hull for park, recreational or like public purposes.
3) Person. The term ‘Person’ shall include any individual, partnership, corporation or association or persons, and the singular shall include the plural.
4) Board. The term ‘Board’ shall mean the Town of Hull’s elected Chairman and Supervisors.
Section 111.02 Organization of Commission
1) Number of Members and Length of Term. The Board of Park Commissioners shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Town Board, for terms of seven years each commencing on the first day of July of the year of appointment. The first seven appointments shall be for such terms so that on the first day of July in each of the next seven years following the year in which they are appointed the term of one member will expire. All appointments shall be in writing and filed with the Town Clerk.
2) Commission Officers. The commissioners shall meet at the Town Hall within thirty (30) days after their appointment and perfect an organization. Thereupon the Park Commission shall make by-lays, use a common seal and choose annually from its members all necessary officers.
Section 103.03 Scope
Except when the context provides otherwise, the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all lands, structures and property owned, leased or administered by the Town of Hull, and under the management, supervision, and control of the Town of Hull Park Commission.
Section 111.04 Powers of Park Commission
The Commission shall have the following general powers and duties:
1) Shall administer, operate and maintain existing recreation and park areas and facilities and plan for the acquisition, development and operation of proposed facilities in accordance with the policies formulated by the Commission and approved by the Town Board.
2) Shall prepare an annual budget for presentation to, and the approval of, the Town Board.
3) May appoint such other agents and employees, subject to the approval of the Town Board, as may be necessary to carry out its functions and may, subject to the approval of the Town Board, make rules and regulations concerning their work.
4) Shall inform the general public of the services and facilities being provided by the Park Commission.
5) Shall cause the provisions of this ordinance and the Park Commission regulations to be enforced.
6) Shall supervise the maintenance and improvement of all Town of Hull parks as provided by Section 60.184, Wisconsin Statutes.
7) Shall make a thorough study of the town with reference to making reservations of lands therein for public uses and laying out ample open spaces, parks, highways, roads and boulevards; make plans and maps of a comprehensive town highway and parks system; gather such information in relation thereto as it may deem expedient; and report the same to the town meeting within two (2) years from the date of its organization. It shall make such other reports, from time to time, as may be requested by the Town Board.
8) Shall have such other powers and duties as are provided by the laws of Wisconsin, particularly Chapter 27 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Section 111.05 Closing Hours
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter or be in any Hull park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Section 111.06 Fees, Charges and Deposits
1) Fee Schedule. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any facility, shelter, land or area for which a fee or charge has been recommended by the Park Commission and approved by the Board, without payment of such fee or charge. Fees and charges shall be reviewed annually.
2) Special Fees. Any park structure, facility or area other than the above may be reserved or rented for special purposes subject to the approval of the Park Commission. Fees may be established for recreational programs where costs warrant them. The Park Commission, with Board approval, may set the charge for each facility or recreational program.
3) Deposits. In the event that a key or set of keys are required by any person using a shelter building, such keys will be loaned through the Town of Hull clerk’s office upon payment of a deposit. Upon surrender of the key or set of keys, the deposit will be refunded to the shelter user. The deposit will be subject to retention by the Park Commission, in whole or in part, if the shelter or facility used proves to have been subjected to abuse, inadequately cleaned, or used in violation of current shelter use regulations.
Section 111.07 Additional Rules, Permits, Exceptions
1) Additional Rules. Rules and regulations may be made from time to time by the Park Commission governing the further use of and enjoyment of parks, parkways, playgrounds, beaches, boat landings, campgrounds, lakes, streams and the facilities thereof. Any person who shall violate such rules or regulations may be excluded from the use of such facility.
2) Permits. Any person, to whom a permit shall have been issued by the Park Commission or agent thereof, shall be bound by the provisions of all ordinances and by-lays of the Town of Hull as fully as though the laws were inserted in each permit.
3) Exceptions. Nothing in this code shall prohibit or hinder the Commissioners, Park Commission agents, supervisors, park managers, or other duly authorized agents, or any peace officer, from performing their official duties.
Section 111.08 Installations, Public Utilities, Private Construction
1) Public Utilities-Location. The location of all sewers and receivers, gas pipes, water pipes, stopcock boxes, hydrants, lampposts, telegraph, telephone and electric power posts and lines, manholes, conduits, and pumps within any park or parkway shall be subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Commission, and their construction, repair or relocation shall be undertaken only after written permission is received from the Park Commission.
2) Private Construction.
a) No curb, whether stone, concrete or grass shall be cut for the purpose of constructing a private driveway across any parkway border, nor for any other purpose, without the written permission of the Park Commission.
b) The location, width, grade and construction of all paths, driveways and roadways across any sidewalk bordering along any parkway shall be subject to the approval of the Commission, and constructed only after written permission is obtained fro the Park Commission.
c) Every person who shall receive a permit to open a trench, to cut a curb, or to deposit materials in or upon any park or parkway shall at all times after such work has been commenced or materials deposited, and until the same has been completed, and until all accumulations of materials resulting from such work have been removed, to guard and protect the same so that persons driving or passing along the roadway or sidewalk or in the vicinity of the place where the work is being done, will not be likely to meet with any accident there-from; and shall also during the time from sunset to sunrise each night while the work is in progress cause the area to be securely fenced and guarded by a warning light or lights placed in a conspicuous position, and so secured that the light or lights shall not be extinguished.
Section 111.09 Public Meetings and Sales
1) Public Meetings.
a) Any person desiring to hold a public meeting of any kind whatsoever in any park shall first obtain a permit from the Park Commission or its duly authorized agent. The permit must be applied for no less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled event.
b) Permits will be granted for the purpose of holding any lawful public assembly in accordance with published regulations governing the reasonable use of parks.
2) Peddling and Soliciting. It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle or solicit business of any nature whatever, or to distribute handbills or other advertising matter, or to post unauthorized signs or decorative matter on any lands, structures or property as a base of operation for soliciting or conducting business, peddling or providing services within or outside of such lands, structures or property unless first authorized in writing by the Park Commission or its duly authorized agent.
3) Soliciting Boat Rides. It shall be unlawful to use the dock, boar landing, or the waters in or immediately adjacent to any Hull Park for the purpose of soliciting rides of any kind unless authorized by the Park Commission.
Section 111.10 Personal Conduct and Nuisances
1) Personal Conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person to indulge in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which such conduct would tend to cause or provoke a disturbance, or to be so intoxicated that he or she is unable to care for his or her own safety in any Hull Park.
2) Property of Others. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy, disturb, molest or remove the property or personal effects of others.
4) Unnecessary Noises. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate sound trucks, loud speakers, motors, motorboats, motor vehicles or any other mechanical devices that produce undue or unnecessary noises without first obtaining a written permit from the Commission or its duly authorized agent.
Section 111.11 Destruction, Entry, Cleaning and Refuse
1) Destruction, Defacement or Removal. It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb, molest, deface, remove or destroy any trees, shrubs, plants or other natural growth; to carve on any rocks, archaeological features, signs walls or structures; to drive nails in trees, or to move, injure or deface in any manner any structures, including buildings, signs, fences or tables in Town of Hull Parks.
2) Illegal Entry. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter in any way any park building, installation or area after the posted closing time or before the posted opening time, or contrary to posted notices.
3) Washing. The washing of cars, persons, pets, cooking utensils or clothing is prohibited in any of the rivers or streams, or on any picnic grounds, playgrounds, recreation areas, boat landings, parking lots or roadways, or within 50 feet of any pump, fountain or drinking water outlet in any Hull park. The washing of persons, cooking utensils and clothing shall be permitted at designated facilities.
4) Refuse.
a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dispose of any garbage, sewage, bottles, tin or aluminum cans, paper or other waste material in any manner except by placing such material in receptacles provided for such purposes, or to dump any such refuse in any park. Throwing bottles, cans, garbage, sewage or other refuse in the water or on the ice of any river or stream or along the roads in any Hull park is prohibited.
b) Charcoal residue must be left in a grate or fireplace until cool or placed in receptacles provided for such purposes.
Section 111.12 Vehicles
1) Vehicular Traffic.
a) No person shall operate any vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour or contrary to official traffic signs in any Hull park.
b) No person shall operate any vehicle in any park in a reckless manner contrary to the provisions of Section 346.62 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
c) It shall be unlawful to operate or park any motor vehicle, except as provided for herein, upon any bridle path, hiking trail, beach area, playground, picnic area or any other area other than established roads, parking areas, boat ramps and service areas, or contrary to posted notices or within any park seasonally closed to vehicular traffic.
d) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor driven sled, toboggan or other snowmobile in any Hull park.
2) Parking. No person shall park, stop or leave standing, whether attended or unattended, any vehicle, obstruction or watercraft so as to block, obstruct or limit the use of any road, trail, parking lot, boat landing, waterway or winter sport facility; or outside of any area provided for such purposes when it is practical to use such area; or contrary to posted notices; or within any Hull park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Section 111.13 Fires, Fireworks, Firearms
1) Fires. It shall be unlawful for any person to start, tend or maintain any fire, or to burn any refuse, except at designated fireplaces, fire rings or grills within any Hull park, except that fires for cooking or heating may be made in portable stoves, heaters or grills at designated picnic areas.
2) Fireworks. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, fire, discharge, explode or set off any squib, crackers or other explosive or pyrotechnic device containing powder or other combustible or explosive material within the limits of any Hull park, except that the exhibition of fireworks under the direction, or by the permission, of the Commission or its duly authorized agent is permitted.
3) Firearms. Within any Hull park it shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or under his control: a) any firearm or air gun as defined in Section 939.22 of the Wisconsin Statutes, unless the same is unloaded an enclosed in a carrying case; b) any bow, unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case or unless written permission has first been granted by the park Commission to use a bow in a specific supervised sport or activity, and then only within a designated area; provided, however, that it shall be unlawful to engage in any sport or activity involving a strung bow that constitutes a safety hazard in the judgment of any law officer or Park Commission personnel.
Section 111.14 Animals
1) Pets. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow pets to enter any public buildings, bathing beaches, picnic grounds or playgrounds within any Hull park, or to run at large at any time on Hull park grounds. In those areas where pets are permitted, dogs shall at all times be kept on leashes not more than eight (8) feet long. All pets shall be effectively restrained or under the owner’s control at all times. No person shall allow his pet to disrupt the enjoyment or use of any area by others.
2) Horses. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a horse in a careless, negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger the life, property or person of others on any Hull park roads or designated trails, or to ride, lead or have a horse in any manner on the beaches, foot paths, picnic grounds, campgrounds, boat landings, playgrounds, athletic fields or other similar special public use areas in any Hull park.
3) Hunting and Trapping. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill, hunt, trap, pursue or otherwise disturb any wild animals or birds in any Hull park.
Section 111.15 Athletics
1) Athletics. It shall be unlawful for any person to play ball, golf, tennis, archery, other games or sports upon or within any Hull park or parkway except upon ball fields, tennis courts, archery ranges or appropriate athletic grounds established by the Park Commission.
2) Skating. It shall be unlawful for any person to skate in any part of the park system in a reckless manner or at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the number of people in the area, or so as to endanger life or limb or damage the property of any person; provided, however, that nothing therein contained shall be construed to prohibit exhibition of or contests in fast or fancy skating on such portions of any ice pond as may be set aside for that purpose by the Park Commission.
Section 111.16 Beaches and Pools
1) Food and Beverages. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or consume any food or beverages of any kind on any bathing beach or in the water adjacent to any bathing beach in any Hull park except in designated areas.
2) It shall be unlawful to swim beyond or disturb or molest a bathing beach boundary buoy or marker in any swimming beach in any Hull park.
3) Storms and Swimming Area Limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to swim or bathe in the water fronting any bathing beach during electrical storms or in dangerous weather or more than fifty (50) yards from the shoreline of any bathing beach, or beyond the limits of beach marker buoys where such buoys are provided.
4) Floating Devices. No floating device of any kind is permitted in or upon the water in the swimming area at any supervised beach in any Hull park.
5) Beach Athletics. Except in locations designated for such purposes, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any athletic game or other activity upon a bathing beach or in the water, when injury or inconvenience to others might result from the activity.
6) Bathing Dress. It shall be unlawful for any swimmer or bather to enter the water or onto any bathing beach unless clothed in a suitable bathing dress or suit.
7) Infectious Diseases. Any person having, or apparently having, any infectious disease shall be prohibited from entering onto any bathing beach or into any bathing house or waters adjacent thereto.
Section 111.17 Penalties
Any person who violates the regulations set forth in this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00, together with costs, and in the event of nonpayment may be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days.