The Town Board of the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin, being duly authorized under Section 30.11 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes to establish a bulkhead line along any section of the shore of any navigable waters within the boundaries of the Town, does ordain as follows:
Section 116.01 Establishment and Description
That the bulkhead line of that part of the Easterly shore of the Plover River, hereinafter described and more particularly shown by the attached map, is established and determined as set forth in the following description and the attached map, subject to the approval of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, namely:
A line on the Easterly shore of the Plover River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Eight (8) East, Fourth Principal Meridian in the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Eight (8) East which is West 727.96 feet from the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 11 degrees 30’ West, 233.71 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 46 degrees 00’ West, 330.40 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 25 degrees 05’ East, 703.60 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground at the terminus of this line.
Section 116.02 Required Copies
That three certified copies of this ordinance, together with three true and correct copies of the map, be submitted to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for its approval.
Section 116.03 Filing
That upon the return and receipt of such approved maps the maps shall be filed as follows:
One in the office of the Public Service Commission;
One in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin; and
One in the office of the Register of Deeds for and in Portage County, Wisconsin.
The Town Board of the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin, being duly authorized under Section 30.11 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes to establish a bulkhead line along any section of the shore of any navigable waters within the boundaries of the Town, does ordain as follows:
Section 116.01 Establishment and Description
That the bulkhead line of that part of the Easterly shore of the Plover River, hereinafter described and more particularly shown by the attached map, is established and determined as set forth in the following description and the attached map, subject to the approval of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, namely:
A line on the Easterly shore of the Plover River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Eight (8) East, Fourth Principal Meridian in the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Eight (8) East which is West 727.96 feet from the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 11 degrees 30’ West, 233.71 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 46 degrees 00’ West, 330.40 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 25 degrees 05’ East, 703.60 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground at the terminus of this line.
Section 116.02 Required Copies
That three certified copies of this ordinance, together with three true and correct copies of the map, be submitted to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for its approval.
Section 116.03 Filing
That upon the return and receipt of such approved maps the maps shall be filed as follows:
One in the office of the Public Service Commission;
One in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin; and
One in the office of the Register of Deeds for and in Portage County, Wisconsin.