Section 93.01 No Class ‘A’ Liquor License and Class ‘B’ License to Issue to the Same Premises
No Class ‘A’ Liquor License and Class ‘B’ Liquor or fermented malt beverage license shall both be issued for the same or connecting premises, except in the case of hotels, as defined in Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Section 93.02 Restrictions on the Conduct of Other Business
No business under a Class ‘A’ Liquor License or under a combination of a Class ‘A’ Liquor License and a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License, or under a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License, shall be conducted in conjunction with any other business on the same premises unless:
1) There shall be a solid, unbroken partition without doors, or entrance ways from floor to ceiling completely separating the area devoted to the licensed business from any and all other businesses conducted on the same premises. The only public means of entrance to the area of the licensed business shall be separated from the entrance to other businesses and shall be by way of doors serving exclusively the entrance to the licenses business. There may be a separate entrance to the outside if so desired and there shall be an approved fire or exit door.
2) Counters and cash registers used in the sale of liquor and/or fermented malt beverages shall not be used for the conduct of any other business.
3) The area in which the liquor and/or fermented malt beverages are sold shall be arranged and constructed in a manner approved by the Town Board so as to permit and facilitate its closing during the hours and days stipulated by the Wisconsin Statutes and by Chapter 90 of the Town of Hull Code of Ordinances.
Section 93.04 Minors
No minor shall be permitted to enter the licensed area unless accompanied by his parent, guardian or spouse.
Section 93.05 Items That May Be Sold on the Premises
Nothing herein provided shall prohibit the holder of a Class ‘A’ Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License, a Class ‘A’ Liquor License, or a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License from selling, on the premises so licenses, the following:
1) Ice in any form.
2) Glassware, syntheticware and crockery commonly used in the serving or mixing of liquor or of beer.
3) Carbonated beverages and cocktail mixes.
4) Fruit juices, frozen or unfrozen.
5) Bar tools, spoons, knives, openers and other associated hardware items used in the serving of liquor, beer and beverages.
6) Tobacco products.
Section 93.01 No Class ‘A’ Liquor License and Class ‘B’ License to Issue to the Same Premises
No Class ‘A’ Liquor License and Class ‘B’ Liquor or fermented malt beverage license shall both be issued for the same or connecting premises, except in the case of hotels, as defined in Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Section 93.02 Restrictions on the Conduct of Other Business
No business under a Class ‘A’ Liquor License or under a combination of a Class ‘A’ Liquor License and a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License, or under a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License, shall be conducted in conjunction with any other business on the same premises unless:
1) There shall be a solid, unbroken partition without doors, or entrance ways from floor to ceiling completely separating the area devoted to the licensed business from any and all other businesses conducted on the same premises. The only public means of entrance to the area of the licensed business shall be separated from the entrance to other businesses and shall be by way of doors serving exclusively the entrance to the licenses business. There may be a separate entrance to the outside if so desired and there shall be an approved fire or exit door.
2) Counters and cash registers used in the sale of liquor and/or fermented malt beverages shall not be used for the conduct of any other business.
3) The area in which the liquor and/or fermented malt beverages are sold shall be arranged and constructed in a manner approved by the Town Board so as to permit and facilitate its closing during the hours and days stipulated by the Wisconsin Statutes and by Chapter 90 of the Town of Hull Code of Ordinances.
Section 93.04 Minors
No minor shall be permitted to enter the licensed area unless accompanied by his parent, guardian or spouse.
Section 93.05 Items That May Be Sold on the Premises
Nothing herein provided shall prohibit the holder of a Class ‘A’ Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License, a Class ‘A’ Liquor License, or a Class ‘A’ Fermented Malt Beverage License from selling, on the premises so licenses, the following:
1) Ice in any form.
2) Glassware, syntheticware and crockery commonly used in the serving or mixing of liquor or of beer.
3) Carbonated beverages and cocktail mixes.
4) Fruit juices, frozen or unfrozen.
5) Bar tools, spoons, knives, openers and other associated hardware items used in the serving of liquor, beer and beverages.
6) Tobacco products.